
Queen of the Jews

NL Herzen­berg

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

In con­tem­po­rary New York City, a Jew­ish woman falls in love with a Pales­tin­ian wall painter who has been charged with killing her.

Galia, a Russ­ian Jew liv­ing in New York, has no idea that the man she’s drawn to, Ale­jan­dro, is actu­al­ly a Pales­tin­ian who car­ries out the wish­es of his mas­ter­mind, osten­si­bly a col­lege pro­fes­sor. Where Galia sees a pas­sion­ate, hard-to-reach rid­dle of a man, he sees a woman who is swept up in a glob­al con­spir­a­cy to under­mine Pales­tin­ian claims to Jerusalem — all because of a book she post­ed online about the ancient Has­monean dynasty. But as they draw clos­er, Ale­jan­dro begins to ques­tion his assign­ment, putting them both in grave danger.

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