
Reboot­ing in Bev­er­ly Hills

  • From the Publisher
April 30, 2012
This is a hilar­i­ous mem­oir of re-enter­ing the dat­ing mar­ket at 50. After sur­viv­ing breast can­cer, sex­u­al harass­ments as one of the first women lawyers and two failed mar­riages, the author thought that she had found peace and hap­pi­ness with the man of her dreams. But after 11 years, she caught him cheat­ing and her world was turned upside down. The book is rough­ly divid­ed into fix-ups, inter­net dat­ing (JDate) and match­mak­er ser­vices. There are help­ful tips as well as humor­ous encoun­ters with psy­chics, girl­friends and even Kabbalah. 

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