
Shad­ow of the Black Flame

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019
Girona, Catalun­ya. 1491. Maya Bonafeu, a young woman of nine­teen years, infu­ri­ates Count Vil­lalo­bos’s young son when she unknow­ing­ly wields unnat­ur­al pow­ers toward him. The Count ban­ish­es Maya and she trav­els to Girona to study with her uncle Asach, the only per­son who can teach her about her spe­cial abil­i­ties. Asach is hes­i­tant to teach his niece because he knows this is a fam­i­ly lega­cy and it only pass­es through the male lin­eage. Soon though, he real­izes he was wrong and sees the mag­ni­tude of her nat­ur­al tal­ents. Yes, she does pos­sess their fam­i­ly gift — the celes­tial pow­ers of the Hebrew let­ters. In time, Maya meets Rafael Ceti, a mys­te­ri­ous inter­preter, who acts as a liai­son between the Span­ish Inquisi­tor and the Cata­lan city offi­cials. Rafael must strad­dle two worlds dur­ing this per­ilous time, know­ing he is vul­ner­a­ble as a con­ver­so — a Jew who con­vert­ed to Catholi­cism. Togeth­er, Maya and Rafael jour­ney through the polit­i­cal maze of the Inqui­si­tion and their own per­son­al strug­gles to under­stand her mys­ti­cal gift.

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