
Sim­ply South­ern: With a Dash of Kosher Soul

Tra­cy Rapp and Dena Wruble
  • Review
By – August 25, 2011
This col­lab­o­ra­tive cook­book pro­duced by Mar­golin Hebrew Acad­e­my of Mem­phis, TN promis­es to do what hasn’t been done before: to be a guide to home style South­ern cook­ing for the kosher home cook. Indeed, through­out its pages there are exam­ples of delight­ful kosher adap­ta­tions of some of the South’s prized spe­cial­ties, such as cheese crisps, fried chick­en, beef ribs, mac and cheese, and red vel­vet cake. 
The recipes are eas­i­ly acces­si­ble to the home cook. The book’s spi­ral bind­ing allows it to open flat and be very con­ve­nient in the kitchen. Just be fore­warned that the South­ern spe­cial­ties are inter­twined with some of the more pop­u­lar con­tem­po­rary items such as pas­ta pri­mav­era and oth­er non South­ern fare!
Bar­bara Flexn­er is an artist who enjoys work­ing in her kitchen to enter­tain their many trans­plant­ed south­ern friends now liv­ing in the Greater Atlanta met­ro­pol­i­tan area.

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