
Sleep­ing Over

  • Review
By – July 26, 2012
Meet five friends: Jess, who after being dumped by her boyfriend joins the Peace Corps in Africa for two years; Lilith, who is in love with a mar­ried actor but set­tles for a 24-year-old bar­tender; Robin, who has pla­ton­ic sleep­overs with her attrac­tive boss; Anne, who pines over a hand­some stranger she saw in a café; and Beth, who leaves her manip­u­la­tive boyfriend of six years in search of free­dom and inde­pen­dence. These women are best friends liv­ing in the Chica­go sub­urbs, and despite the absence of Jess, they have a blast look­ing for Mr. Right. This is a fun nov­el; how­ev­er, since each chap­ter is writ­ten from a par­tic­u­lar woman’s point of view, things are con­fus­ing in the begin­ning. Still, once the read­er gets past each woman’s ini­tial chap­ter, the sto­ry moves for­ward briskly, as the girls wel­come Jess home two years later.

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