
Slow Cooked: An Unex­pect­ed Life in Food Politics

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Mar­i­on Nes­tle reflects on her late-in-life career as a world-renowned food pol­i­tics expert, pub­lic health advo­cate, and a founder of the field of food stud­ies after fac­ing decades of low expectations.

In this engross­ing mem­oir, Mar­i­on Nes­tle reflects on how she achieved late-in-life suc­cess as a lead­ing advo­cate for health­i­er and more sus­tain­able diets. Slow Cooked recounts how she built an unpar­al­leled career at a time when few women worked in the sci­ences, and how she came to rec­og­nize and reveal the enor­mous influ­ence of the food indus­try on our dietary choices.

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