
Small Mir­a­cles from Beyond

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2014

This uplift­ing addi­tion to a best­selling series will pro­vide insight and solace to read­ers through inspir­ing true sto­ries that demon­strate the soul’s immor­tal­i­ty. In their third com­pi­la­tion, Hal­ber­stam and Lev­en­thal move beyond their ear­li­er focus on our mor­tal world to exam­ine the oth­er side: death and the after­life. Rich in mir­a­cles and extra­or­di­nary events, these incred­i­ble tales show how the con­nec­tions forged with our loved ones exist through eter­ni­ty, and how their inter­ces­sion with us on earth con­tin­ues long after they have passed on.

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