After more than 20 years of doing sex therapy, Dr. Ian Kerner is a Sherlock Holmes of the bedroom‚ a sexual detective helping individuals and couples solve the mystery of their sexual distress: low libido, the inability to perform, sexual anxieties, erotic conflicts, a secret desire they’re keeping from a partner (or even themselves). And just like a detective, one of the first things he does is return to “the scene of the crime.” During a first session with a new patient or couple, he always asks: “So, tell me about the last time you had sex.”
Kerner will help to distill key insights:
Recognizing your “desire framework” as well as your partner’s and creating a shared desire framework.
Maximizing both physical and psychological arousal and sheathing sexual behaviors in an “erotic skin.”
Understanding why the sexual brain needs to not just turn on but also “turn off” (in order to enter in a sexual flow state).
Embracing the shake of a sexual problem and tapping into your unique sexual personalities.