
Some­thing From Nothing

Phoebe Gilman
  • From the Publisher
October 6, 2011
A lov­able sto­ry based on a Yid­dish song, this shows a lit­tle boy named Joseph grow­ing old­er, his fam­i­ly and world get­ting larg­er, and the baby blan­ket Grand­pa made him get­ting small­er and small­er as the fab­ric wears out. The remark­able illus­tra­tions tell sev­er­al sto­ries at once, show­ing shtetl life, scenes at ched­er, and exam­ples of resource­ful­ness that will last a life­time. Anoth­er excel­lent ver­sion of this award win­ner is Joseph Had a Lit­tle Over­coat by Sims Taback.

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