
Spir­i­tu­al Bore­dom: Redis­cov­er­ing the Won­der of Judaism

  • Review
By – September 8, 2011
Bore­dom is one of the chal­lenges of con­tem­po­rary life, includ­ing reli­gious life. Chil­dren com­plain to par­ents, stu­dents com­plain to teach­ers, and con­gre­gants com­plain to rab­bis and can­tors that they are bored.” Dr. Brown, who has quick­ly become one of the fore­most lead­ers in Jew­ish adult learn­ing and lead­er­ship, explores the his­to­ry of bore­dom, not­ing that its use as a word is of rel­a­tive­ly recent his­tor­i­cal ori­gin. Yet, as his­to­ry has gone on, it emerges as a more com­mon theme of com­plaints. The author sug­gests some pow­er­ful ways that Judaism helps us to com­bat bore­dom, as well as ways to make sure that our Judaism itself remains dynam­ic, deep, and interesting.
Rab­bi Arnold D. Sam­lan is a Jew­ish edu­ca­tor and rab­bi liv­ing in Mia­mi, Flori­da. He serves as exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Orloff Cen­tral Agency for Jew­ish Edu­ca­tion of Broward County.

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