

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

A hilar­i­ous debut nov­el by a Buz­zFeed cul­ture writer about the dif­fi­cul­ties of real life con­nec­tion in the heart of New York City’s tech world. While Sil­i­con Val­ley likes to think of itself as the epi­cen­ter of the tech uni­verse, New York attracts its fair share of ambi­tious entre­pre­neurs deter­mined to make their mark. Among them are Mack McAl­lis­ter, the it-boy vision­ary of the moment try­ing to take his app to the next lev­el; Isabel, a social media nin­ja work­ing for him a bit too close­ly; and Katya, an ambi­tious Russ­ian emi­gre jour­nal­ist des­per­ate for a scoop. When a scan­dal erupts in the low­er Man­hat­tan loft build­ing where all three work they quick­ly dis­cov­er just how small a world the Big Apple’s tech com­mu­ni­ty can be. Doree Shafrir’s debut is a sharp huge­ly enter­tain­ing sto­ry of youth ambi­tion love mon­ey and tech­nol­o­gy’s inabil­i­ty to hack human nature.

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