
Stress Resets: Turn Down Your Inner Vol­ume in Minutes

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

The book we all need for our men­tal health right now, Stress Resets is a self-help tool to strength­en men­tal health and resilience with approx­i­mate­ly 75 prac­ti­cal, doable, and invit­ing tech­niques for man­ag­ing stress in dai­ly life.

Inspired by a viral piece that clin­i­cal psy­chol­o­gist Jen­ny Taitz wrote for The New York Times, Stress Resets helps read­ers rec­og­nize and under­stand their dai­ly per­son­al stres­sors and exam­ine the behav­iors they use to cope, which often are not the great­est. To change our reper­toire of behav­iors, we need to look inward and focus on what we tru­ly want in our lives.

In order to stop pri­or­i­tiz­ing com­fort and dis­trac­tion, we need wis­er ways to cope. Taitz offers approx­i­mate­ly 75 bite-size, sci­ence-backed strate­gies to get you there, along­side mean­ing­ful research, expert inter­views, and relat­able anec­dotes that encour­age read­ers to learn adap­tive self-sooth­ing. We can’t always pre­vent events that trig­ger our stress, but we all deserve doable, prac­ti­cal ways to recal­i­brate, slow down, prob­lem-solve, and breathe easier.

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