
Struck: A Hus­band’s Mem­oir of Trau­ma and Triumph

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

One of life’s biggest clich­es becomes a hor­rif­ic real­i­ty when Doug’s wife and daugh­ter are ran­dom­ly hit head-on by a city bus. Alter­nat­ing between har­row­ing, humor­ous and heart­break­ing, the author’s account of the after­math, based on reg­u­lar email updates to friends and fam­i­ly, is an inspir­ing tes­ti­mo­ny to the heal­ing pow­er of love and com­mu­ni­ty, a sup­port group of friends made up in large part by mem­bers of their syn­a­gogue. This inti­mate and hon­est chron­i­cling of the events that fol­lowed the acci­dent, and the engage­ment of the com­mu­ni­ty’s love and sup­port, is a mov­ing and pro­found exam­ple of how peo­ple show up for one anoth­er in times of cri­sis. It is also a tes­ta­ment to the resilience of the human spir­it when faced with pain and adversity.

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