
Sum­mer of My Ger­man Soldier

Bette Greene
  • From the Publisher
January 20, 2016

An emo­tion­al, thought-pro­vok­ing book from mul­ti-award-win­ning author Bette Greene.

When her small home­town in Arkansas becomes the site of a camp hous­ing Ger­man pris­on­ers dur­ing World War II, 12-year-old Pat­ty Bergen learns what it means to open her heart. Although she’s Jew­ish, she begins to see a prison escapee, Anton, not as a Nazi — but as a lone­ly, fright­ened young man with feel­ings not unlike her own.

In Anton, Pat­ty finds some­one who soft­ens the pain of her own father’s rejec­tion and who appre­ci­ates her in a way her moth­er nev­er will. While patri­ot­ic feel­ings run high, Pat­ty risks los­ing fam­i­ly, friends — even her free­dom — for what has quick­ly become the most impor­tant part of her life. 

Thought­ful, mov­ing, and hard-hit­ting, Sum­mer of My Ger­man Sol­dier has become a mod­ern classic.

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