
Surf­ing the Bor­der: Adven­tures at the Edge of the Ocean

Serge Ded­i­na
  • From the Publisher
March 28, 2016

In his new book, Surf­ing the Bor­der, long­time surfer, con­ser­va­tion­ist and Impe­r­i­al Beach May­or Serge Ded­i­na jour­neys into the world of surf cul­ture and trav­els around the globe to high­light how surf­ing con­nects us to the scarce nat­ur­al and cul­tur­al coastal nich­es that remain. Co-founder and exec­u­tive direc­tor of WILD­COAST, an inter­na­tion­al con­ser­va­tion orga­ni­za­tion, Ded­i­na has ded­i­cat­ed his life to pro­tect­ing the coast­line of Cal­i­for­nia and Mexico.

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