
Syd Arthur

Ellen Frankel

  • From the Publisher
July 24, 2013

Prince Sid­dhartha, raised behind palace walls and show­ered with every extrav­a­gance, aban­doned his pro­tect­ed life to embark on a spir­i­tu­al jour­ney. He ulti­mate­ly reached enlight­en­ment and became known as the Bud­dha, which means one who is awake.” He then spent his life teach­ing that all have the poten­tial to awaken…
Meet Syd Arthur! Liv­ing in the clois­tered world of sub­ur­bia, Syd is a mid­dle-aged Jew­ish woman who is poten­tial­ly awake, but likes to start her day with a strong cup of cof­fee, just in case. Her daugh­ter has just left for col­lege and her diet is once again off track. While for most of her life she’s been con­vinced that hap­pi­ness can be attained by a mag­ic num­ber on the bath­room scale — or a real­ly great shop­ping day at Bloom­ing­dale’s — she finds her­self in the gro­cery store with an emp­ty cart won­der­ing if there just might be some­thing more. 

When East unex­pect­ed­ly meets West, Syd embarks on a jour­ney as a spir­i­tu­al seek­er. Soon she’s in over her chakras as her search takes her from yoga stu­dio to med­i­ta­tion hall to ashram gift store to the pages of Zen­sa­tion­al cat­a­logue. Her Mah Jongg group insists it’s mere­ly a midlife cri­sis. But noth­ing’s going to stop Syd’s jour­ney toward Nir­vana — not even the hottest sale at Nord­strom’s. Fol­low Syd as she finds her bliss and dis­cov­ers a rich­ness that rivals a Godi­va truf­fle, mak­ing for one deli­cious enlightenment.

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