
Tak­ing Mir­a­cles Seri­ous­ly: A Jour­ney to Every­day Spirituality

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

An accom­plished sto­ry­teller with a refresh­ing, humor­ous voice, Rab­bi Zedek draws on a range of mate­ri­als includ­ing the bib­li­cal tales, Indi­an and Japan­ese folk­lore, the works of St. Augus­tine, Ein­stein, Isaac Bashe­vis Singer, and Grou­cho Marx to take read­ers on a tru­ly orig­i­nal search for spir­i­tu­al sus­te­nance in every­day life. Read­ers will learn how to iden­ti­fy and appre­ci­ate the mirac­u­lous in an often mun­dane world; how to take God seri­ous­ly when much of the intel­lec­tu­al world does­n’t; and how to make the most out of under­uti­lized spir­i­tu­al resources such as poet­ry and prayer. Heart­felt and amus­ing, Tak­ing Mir­a­cles Seri­ous­ly is a mas­ter course on how to craft an enriched and enrich­ing spir­i­tu­al life.

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