
Talia and the Haman-Tushies

Lin­da Elovitz Mar­shall; Francesca Assirelli, illus.
  • Review
By – March 27, 2017

In this next install­ment in this pic­ture book series about mis­heard words and Jew­ish life, Talia vis­its her Grand­ma around Purim time, and Grand­ma tells her the sto­ry of Purim while they make Haman­taschen togeth­er. Talia thinks Grand­ma has called them Haman-tushies,” which she plans nev­er to eat because they sound so yucky. Much to her relief, Grand­ma sets her straight in the end, explain­ing that they real­ly are Haman’s pock­ets,” and Talia and her grand­moth­er then enjoy the deli­cious cook­ies together.

Grandma’s ver­sion of the Purim sto­ry is very sim­ple, leav­ing out all the poten­tial­ly unpleas­ant parts about Queen Vashti and about how Haman was hanged in the end. The mean­ing of the sto­ry comes through though, and this ver­sion would be appro­pri­ate for chil­dren ages 4 to 8.

The illus­tra­tions, which appear to have been made from paint­ings, are clear with a cheer­ful palette and make the sto­ry easy to fol­low for young chil­dren. There is also a recipe for Haman­taschen at the end, which would be a great fol­low-through activ­i­ty for young read­ers and their adult companions.

Mindy Langer is a retired pedi­a­tri­cian and grand­moth­er of two. She vol­un­teers in numer­ous capac­i­ties for her syn­a­gogue and is vol­un­teer read­er of med­ical texts for Learn­ing Ally, a ser­vice that pro­vides record­ed books for stu­dents with print dis­abil­i­ties. She sings in a large com­mu­ni­ty choir and is an avid quil­ter. In choos­ing books for chil­dren she most enjoys those that are both chal­leng­ing and fun for the chil­dren as well as enter­tain­ing for the adults read­ing to them.

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