
Teacher of the Year

  • From the Publisher
December 12, 2023

Love: Not as easy as ABC.

They were sup­posed to keep things casu­al. Who’d expect they’d be schooled in love?

Those who can, teach. Mar­vin Block is one of the best kinder­garten teach­ers out there. And despite his anx­i­ety, Mar­v­in’s life is sweet. He knows what he wants. And what he wants is the Teacher of the Year Award. Not just for him­self — his school needs him to win.

Return­ing from break, the New Year finds Mar­vin wel­com­ing a new pupil to his class. But when Illona walks in with her cute-as-hell sin­gle dad beside her, Mar­v­in’s focus starts to slide.

Sure, his stu­dents always come first, but he deserves to have a life out­side the class­room, too, right?

As their friend­ship starts to deep­en, Mar­vin real­izes Olan has the poten­tial to teach him things about love he nev­er thought pos­si­ble. But with the Teacher of the Year award and his school’s future on the line, now’s not the time for any­thing complicated.

When Olan’s past and Mar­v­in’s present col­lide, their exper­i­ment in love hangs in the bal­ance. Mar­vin knows what he wants out of life. But now he’s forced to con­sid­er what he wants out of love.

Will Mar­vin chalk the rela­tion­ship up to expe­ri­ence? Or can they revise their sto­ry into a text­book romance?

Discussion Questions