
The Appren­tice of Buchenwald

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Alexan­der Rosen­berg is a smart and curi­ous teenag­er who speaks many lan­guages, col­lects stamps, plays the vio­lin, and lives a pam­pered life with his afflu­ent par­ents in a tran­quil Czecho­slo­va­kian town. The rise of fas­cism and Nazi Ger­many cause his pro­tect­ed exis­tence to col­lapse, along­side the illu­sion of sec­u­lar Jew­ish assim­i­la­tion in 1930s Europe. Using their last reserves of wealth and influ­ence to escape exter­mi­na­tion, the Rosen­bergs go under­ground to avoid the Gestapo. Even­tu­al­ly exposed, cap­tured, and tak­en to Buchen­wald, the largest con­cen­tra­tion camp in Ger­many, Alexan­der and his father col­lab­o­rate to sur­vive one day at a time. A chaot­ic chain of events puts young Alexan­der at the heart of a mas­sive arma­ment sab­o­tage scheme. When his father is grave­ly injured and dis­ap­pears after an air bomb­ing, it is up to the indus­tri­ous Alexan­der to cre­ate lever­age and use wartime machi­na­tions and raw tal­ent to save his father’s life. This uni­ver­sal, true sto­ry of inner strength, resource­ful­ness, and opti­mism was doc­u­ment­ed and writ­ten by Alexan­der’s grand­son, Oren Schnei­der. It is ded­i­cat­ed to brave peo­ple every­where who choose not to give up.

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