
The Art of Being Unrea­son­able: Lessons in Uncon­ven­tion­al Thinking

Eli Broad
  • From the Publisher
March 6, 2013
Eli Broad­’s embrace of unrea­son­able think­ing” has helped him build two For­tune 500 com­pa­nies, amass per­son­al bil­lions, and use his wealth to cre­ate a new approach to phil­an­thropy. He has helped to fund sci­en­tif­ic research insti­tutes, K‑12 edu­ca­tion reform, and some of the world’s great­est con­tem­po­rary art muse­ums. By con­trast, rea­son­able” peo­ple come up with all the rea­sons some­thing new and dif­fer­ent can’t be done, because, after all, no one else has done it that way. This book shares the unrea­son­able” prin­ci­ples — from nego­ti­at­ing to risk-tak­ing, from invest­ing to hir­ing — that have made Eli Broad such a success.

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