
The Can­cel Cul­ture Curse: From Rage to Redemp­tion in a World Gone Mad

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Can­cel cul­ture is an insid­i­ous force in soci­ety today. In the sec­onds it takes to make one regret­table social media post — or wind up on the wrong side of a false accu­sa­tion or mis­un­der­stand­ing — rep­u­ta­tions, rela­tion­ships, and careers are destroyed. Have we entered an era when peo­ple can­not make mis­takes; where no apol­o­gy or change of heart can ever deliv­er for­give­ness? Mak­ing a come­back used to be a cel­e­brat­ed Amer­i­can ide­al. But have the roads to redemp­tion been per­ma­nent­ly blocked by inter­net mobs seek­ing vengeance? In The Can­cel Cul­ture Curse, glob­al cri­sis man­ag­er Evan Nier­man and his col­league Mark Sachs exam­ine the impact of can­cel cul­ture in today’s media-dri­ven world. The authors also explore the his­to­ry of can­cel cul­ture and the trends that have fos­tered it, defin­ing the tell­tale ele­ments that are hall­marks of such cam­paigns. Nier­man and Sachs pro­vide case stud­ies and a play­book for rebound­ing from pub­lic shame, help­ing read­ers avoid becom­ing the lat­est tar­gets of can­cel vul­tures,” who enjoy pick­ing apart the remains of those left to die on the side of the inter­net highway.

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