
The Cape House

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

The Cape House begins on the day Bochner’s moth­er Deb­bi tells her that she’s received a prog­no­sis of ter­mi­nal can­cer and has decid­ed to move to the family’s beloved sum­mer home in Cape Cod to die. Over the next six weeks, as Deb­bi dete­ri­o­rates, Bochn­er writes the sto­ry of her fam­i­ly and looks back on the wind­ing road she trudged with her moth­er through addic­tion, recov­ery, and redemp­tion. Read­ers trav­el with the author from Phoenix, Ari­zona to a medieval Dutch cas­tle to the Old City of Jerusalem, where an array of col­or­ful char­ac­ters shape her des­tiny in unex­pect­ed ways. Bochn­er presents a real-life por­trait of a fam­i­ly strug­gling to stay togeth­er even as their per­son­al jour­neys threat­en to tear them apart.

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