– January 9, 2012
The Cats in the Doll Shop is the second book in the Doll Shop series. The story takes place during World War I in New York City. Three sisters live with their parents above their family doll shop and one day, a cousin escaping the poverty of Russia, comes to live with them. The cousin, Tania, is the same age as the narrator and speaks no English when she arrives. It is a story of family support, sibling rivalry, pets and children’s desires. The school and house setting, including a bathtub in the kitchen, remain true to the time period. Some explanation may be necessary as to why, for example, Tania begins regular first grade instead of going to an ESL class; however, the story is an eternal one to which anyone who has struggled in a new place, who has a sibling or has loved an animal can easily relate. This book is appropriate for children ages 8 – 12.
Drora Arussy, Ed.D., is an educational consultant who specializes in integrating Jewish and secular studies, the arts into education, and creative teaching for excellence in Jewish education. She is the mother to four school-age children and has taught from pre-school through adult. Drora is an adjunct professor of Hebrew language at Drew University.