
The Cel­list of Dachau

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Mar­tin Good­man’s The Cel­list of Dachau is an acclaimed and mas­ter­ful” nov­el of the Holo­caust — the lega­cy that haunts us, and the music that binds us. Avail­able in the US for the first time.

In 1938, Otto Schalmik, a 19-year-old musi­cian from a Jew­ish fam­i­ly in Vien­na, is arrest­ed by Nazi police. Trans­port­ed to Dachau, he is sum­moned to the home of the cam­p’s Adju­tant, Birchen­dorf, who forces him to scrub the floors and play Bach on a price­less loot­ed cello.

In 1990s Cal­i­for­nia, Otto, now a world-famous com­pos­er, and Rosa a young Aus­tralian musi­col­o­gist, dis­cov­er how their lives are linked through music and his­to­ry. Weav­ing togeth­er the sto­ries of three gen­er­a­tions from both sides of Ger­many’s 20th cen­tu­ry hor­ror sto­ry, The Cel­list Of Dachau explores the ongo­ing impact of war and the pow­er of music as a tran­scend­ing force to heal and rebuild lives.

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