
The Chang­ing Face of Anti-Semi­tism: From Ancient Times to the Present Day

Wal­ter Laqueur
  • Review
By – November 7, 2011

A per­son per­form­ing a cur­so­ry review of his local Barnes and Noble could be for­giv­en for con­clud­ing that there may only be a few less books on anti-Semi­tism than anti-Semi­tes them­selves. The peo­ple of the book” do seem to take some form of com­fort from the steady stream of print­ed words in their ongo­ing bat­tle with the forces of hate. May the com­fort con­tin­ue, because the books don’t seem to have had much effect over the mil­len­nia. In fact, in Wal­ter Laqueur’s sober­ing new book, it’s hard to find much rea­son for optimism. 

An expert in mod­ern Euro­pean his­to­ry, an intel­lec­tu­al with impec­ca­ble cre­den­tials and the pos­ses­sor of a nine­ty six-page bib­li­og­ra­phy, Laque­ur should be the ide­al can­di­date to write the defin­i­tive his­to­ry of the social­ism of fools.” And in many ways, he has. Start­ing with its first stir­rings in Egypt and the ancient world, through the scars of Euro­pean his­to­ry and end­ing with chap­ters on left­ist and Moslem anti-Semi­tism, Laque­ur pro­duces an admirable sur­vey of this sad series of dis­tor­tions and destruc­tions. As might be expect­ed, his most tren­chant infor­ma­tion cen­ters on the var­i­ous intel­lec­tu­al sources for the condition. 

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the author only describes The Chang­ing Face of Anti-Semi­tism,” and does not offer either a com­pre­hen­sive analy­sis or pro­gram for bat­tling it. In fact, his work ends on a note which sug­gests that per­haps as the Jews phys­i­cal­ly dis­ap­pear from the Earth, so may the world’s hatred of them. Maybe there once was and will be again a time when mea­sured words will prove valu­able in this fight. Today, how­ev­er, there’s a need for stern­er stuff. Bib­li­og­ra­phy, index.

Jeff Bogursky reads a lot, writes a lit­tle and talks quite a bit. He is a media exec­u­tive and expert in dig­i­tal media.

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