
The Chi­na Gambit

  • From the Publisher
April 20, 2012
In The Chi­na Gam­bit, Allan Topol’s sev­enth nov­el of inter­na­tion­al intrigue, Craig Page – a dar­ing for­mer CIA agent, now fight­ing ter­ror­ism in Europe – is deter­mined to find out who killed his daugh­ter, Francesca, a reporter research­ing the biggest sto­ry of her young career in Cal­gary. Joined by the good-look­ing and resource­ful, Eliz­a­beth Crow­der, Francesca’s edi­tor, Craig peels back the con­spir­a­cy lay­er by lat­er. His search moves from Cana­da to Tehran, where he is assist­ed by Yos­si, a Mossad agent. Then Bei­jing and Wash­ing­ton, and final­ly Aspen, with Craig and Eliz­a­beth nar­row­ly escap­ing repeat­ed attacks in their attempt to thwart a plot with seri­ous reper­cus­sions for the Unit­ed States and Israel as well.

The Chi­na Gam­bit, the first of a tril­o­gy, is a page turn­er. It is a fast paced, relent­less, and fright­en­ing real por­trait of our mod­ern world. It con­tains seri­ous polit­i­cal issues that are crit­i­cal to Israel. Right now for Israel, no sub­ject is more impor­tant than Iran. That top­ic is the focal point of The Chi­na Gam­bit as Iran enters into a plot with Chi­na with explo­sive con­se­quences for the entire Mid­dle East and seri­ous reper­cus­sions for the Unit­ed States and Israel as well.

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