
The Dig

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Informed by time­ly issues of immi­gra­tion, cap­i­tal­ism, and jus­tice, yet time­less in its themes of love, iden­ti­ty, and com­pet­ing loy­al­ties, The Dig, inspired by the Greek tragedy Antigone, por­trays a woman at odds with her his­to­ry, forced to choose between her own ambi­tions and her loy­al­ty to her beloved, ide­al­is­tic brother.

Anto­nia King has a com­pli­cat­ed rela­tion­ship with the past. She and her broth­er were found amid the rub­ble of a bombed-out apart­ment in Sara­je­vo and tak­en in by a fam­i­ly in Min­neso­ta. To escape the con­straints of her adopt­ed town, Anto­nia embarks on a high-pow­ered legal career. But before long, her broth­er’s mys­te­ri­ous dis­ap­pear­ance pulls her back home. Over the course of one day, Anto­nia unearths decades of secrets and lies, lead­ing to rev­e­la­tions that will alter the course of her life forever.

Anne Burt draws on her work expe­ri­ence for the U.S. Holo­caust Memo­r­i­al Muse­um and the edu­ca­tion orga­ni­za­tion Fac­ing His­to­ry and Our­selves to bring her main char­ac­ters, child sur­vivors of the Bosn­ian geno­cide, to vivid life.

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