
The Drown­ing King

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

It’s the dawn of a new era for Egypt as Cleopa­tra and her broth­er Ptole­my are wel­comed to the throne after their father’s death. But joint rule breeds its own con­flicts: can the Nile be shared? Long over­looked by his father in favor of the beguil­ing Cleopa­tra, Ptole­my is deter­mined to prove his abil­i­ty as both man and king, but at eleven he is no match for his elder sis­ter, who’s quick to assert her pri­ma­cy through­out the land. Their sis­ter Arsi­noe is torn between her sib­lings in one of his­to­ry’s great­est pow­er strug­gles. As the palace echoes with rumors, scan­dals, and betray­al, Arsi­noe’s love for her child­hood friend Alexan­der deep­ens into a for­bid­den pas­sion that could endan­ger both their lives. When Cleopa­tra is forced to flee a rebel upris­ing, Arsi­noe decides she has no choice but to fol­low her sis­ter into exile. Yet while Cleopa­tra gath­ers an army to retake the crown, Arsi­noe begins to doubt whether her sis­ter is the cham­pi­on Egypt needs. Faced with the choice of betray­ing her fam­i­ly or her coun­try, Arsi­noe will deter­mine a king­dom’s fate and the course of history.

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