
The Eighth Menorah

Lau­ren Wohl; Lau­ra Hugh­es, illus.
  • Review
February 13, 2014

Sam is mak­ing a meno­rah in Sun­day school as a Hanukkah sur­prise for his par­ents. The prob­lem is that his fam­i­ly already has sev­en meno­rahs. What do they need anoth­er one for? Sam won­ders if a fam­i­ly can have too many meno­rahs. His dilem­ma is whether to give the meno­rah to his par­ents or not. Sam is a won­der­ful char­ac­ter and many young chil­dren will be able to relate to him. With love and humor he dis­cov­ers that no one can have too many menorahs.

This is a sweet sto­ry with col­or­ful and ani­mat­ed illus­tra­tions. The author has includ­ed direc­tions for the game of drei­del, a per­fect addi­tion to the sto­ry. This is a great sto­ry to share dur­ing hol­i­day time and a great addi­tion to any Hanukkah collection.

A rec­om­mend­ed pic­ture book for ages 4 – 7.

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