
The First Bright Thing

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Ring­mas­ter — Rin, to those who know her best— can jump to dif­fer­ent moments in time as eas­i­ly as her wife, Odette, soars from bar to bar on the trapeze. And the cir­cus they lead is a rare home and safe haven for mag­i­cal mis­fits and out­casts, known as Sparks.

With the world still reel­ing from World War I, Rin and her troupe — the Cir­cus of the Fan­tas­ti­cals —trav­el the mid­west, offer­ing a sin­gle night of enchant­ment and respite to all who step into their Big Top. But threats come at Rin from all sides. The future holds an impend­ing war that the Sparks can see bar­relling toward their show and every­one in it. And Rin’s past creeps clos­er every day, a malev­o­lent shad­ow she can’t ful­ly escape.

< It takes the form of anoth­er cir­cus, with tents as black as mid­night and a ring­mas­ter who rules over his troupe with dan­ger­ous pow­er. Rin’s cir­cus has some­thing he wants, and he won’t stop until it’s his.

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