Anyone who is a grandparent, grandparent-to-be, or has had a grandparent must read Jerry Witkovsky’s insightful new book, The Grandest Love: Inspiring The Grandparent-Grandchild Connection. In it, he celebrates the power and “sacred trust” of grand parenting, offering practical and creative suggestions for developing intergenerational support. The book includes interactive activities, ideas from well-known experts, eloquent and affecting reminiscences from grandchildren of all ages — including his own. Witkovsky’s highly replicable Living Legacy Foundation is an innovative approach to financial support and tzedakah. The labor of love by this engaging storyteller can strengthen and transform the lives of individuals, families and communities. His passionate belief in the transformative power of becoming a “Teaching-and-Learning” family is a model to be admired and followed.

The Grandest Love: Inspiring the Grandparent-Grandchild Connection
- From the Publisher
May 22, 2014
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