
The Great Passover Escape

Pamela Moritz, Flo­rence Weis­er (Illus­tra­tor)

  • Review
By – July 6, 2021

Ellie the ele­phant and Kan­ga the kan­ga­roo live in the Bib­li­cal Zoo in Jerusalem. When the zoo clos­es for the Passover, they decide that they want to cel­e­brate the hol­i­day too. They con­vince their friend Chimp, who teach­es them all about matzah, the hag­gadah, the Seder, the ten plagues, Moses, and haroset, to join them as they work togeth­er to escape. When the trio end up at Shmu­lik, the zookeeper’s house, he wel­comes them to his Seder with open arms: Let all who are hun­gry come and eat!”

The col­or­ful, expres­sive pen­cil illus­tra­tions are absolute­ly adorable and chil­dren famil­iar with the hol­i­day cus­toms will get a kick out of Ellie and Kan­ga mis­tak­ing the hag­gadah for a col­or­ing book and the ten plagues for the ten planes.

A brief descrip­tion of Passover and the Bib­li­cal Zoo, along with two col­or pho­tographs, are append­ed. This is a cute and clever addi­tion to the preschool Passover bookshelf.

Rachel Kamin has been a syn­a­gogue librar­i­an and Jew­ish edu­ca­tor for over twen­ty-five years and has worked at North Sub­ur­ban Syn­a­gogue Beth El in High­land Park, IL since 2008, cur­rent­ly serv­ing as the Direc­tor of Life­long Learn­ing. A past chair of the Syd­ney Tay­lor Book Award Com­mit­tee and past edi­tor of Book Reviews for Chil­dren & Teens for the Asso­ci­a­tion of Jew­ish Libraries News & Reviews, her arti­cles and book reviews appear in numer­ous pub­li­ca­tions. She has been a mem­ber of the Amer­i­can Library Association’s Sophie Brody Book Award Com­mit­tee since 2021.

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