
The Heart of Lone­li­ness: How Jew­ish Wis­dom Can Help You Cope and Find Comfort

Rab­bi Marc Katz
  • From the Publisher
January 4, 2017

Using the wis­dom of the Jew­ish tra­di­tion to bet­ter under­stand and deal with the pain of lone­li­ness in our lives and in the lives of those we love. Long descrip­tion: Lone­li­ness is per­va­sive in our soci­ety but is rarely addressed. It comes in many forms, from the lone­li­ness of loss to that of sick­ness; from sin­gle life to mar­riage to divorce. In fact, even the most suc­cess­ful among us are not immune. Even achieve­ment can be an avenue to lone­li­ness. Through sen­si­tiv­i­ty, com­pas­sion and insight, this book pro­vides the sto­ries and tools we need to begin address­ing lone­li­ness in our lives and the lives of those we love. With mas­ter­ful sto­ry­telling, Rab­bi Marc Katz uses the pains of our ances­tors to show us the unique ways lone­li­ness appears in our lives. Draw­ing on the sto­ries of Isaac and Rachel, King Uzzi­ah and Tamar, Jere­mi­ah and Honi, Hagar and Aaron, Rab­bi Katz helps read­ers under­stand the nuances of lone­li­ness in their own lives. He helps them under­stand that although their pain may feel like an island, oth­ers have walked there before them. Thought­ful insights on lone­li­ness also help fam­i­ly and friends have a bet­ter sense of how and why their friends, chil­dren, par­ents and co-work­ers suf­fer. Then, using the tools of the Jew­ish tra­di­tion, Rab­bi Katz looks at con­crete ways as indi­vid­u­als and as com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers we may help those who are lone­ly in our midst. This book is for any­one who is or has suf­fered from the pain of lone­li­ness as well as those loved ones who stand on the side­line feel­ing ill equipped to address the alien­ation they see.

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