
The Inspired Life: Unleash­ing Your Mind’s Capac­i­ty for Joy

  • From the Publisher
April 23, 2012
In The Inspired Life: Unleash­ing Your Mind’s Capac­i­ty for Joy, Susyn Reeve joins a long list of Jew­ish thinkers who have been a source of inspi­ra­tion. Influ­enced by the lives of some of her per­son­al heroes includ­ing Vik­tor Fran­kl, Ann Frank and Deb­bie Fried­man, Susyn invites us to live our inspired life vision as a reflec­tion of our com­mit­ment to con­tribut­ing to a more peace­ful and lov­ing world.

What is an inspired life? What obsta­cles stand in the way of an inspired life? What are the ingre­di­ents of an inspired life? These are the ques­tions answered in The Inspired Life. Through sto­ries, exer­cis­es and med­i­ta­tions you will expe­ri­ence what an inspired life is and how to nur­ture and nour­ish it in your dai­ly life.

This book is direct­ed to those of us need­ing a gen­tle reminder, a help­ful nudge to open our minds and hearts to the vast cre­ative poten­tial and pos­si­bil­i­ty alive in each moment. Are you ready to live an inspired life root­ed in the sacred union of your heart and intel­lect, reflect­ed in your thoughts, words and actions? It all begins with mak­ing the empow­ered choice, with say­ing, Yes, I choose an inspired life.


Discussion Questions