
The Inter­mis­sion

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Told from the alter­nat­ing per­spec­tives of a hus­band and wife who both have some­thing to hide, THE INTER­MIS­SION tun­nels beneath a seem­ing­ly hap­py mar­riage to ask: how much do we real­ly know about the peo­ple we love the most?

After five years of mar­riage, the unshake­able con­fi­dence Cass felt as a bride is gone. Jonathan, even though his wife’s quirks are begin­ning to grate, is still most­ly smit­ten. So, it comes as a com­plete shock to Jonathan when Cass requests a mar­i­tal inter­mis­sion’: a six-month sep­a­ra­tion dur­ing which they’ll decide if the com­fort­able life they’ve built togeth­er is still the one they both want.

From an over-the-top bat mitz­vah to a preg­nan­cy ter­mi­nat­ed because of an Ashke­nazi genet­ic dis­ease, Cass and Jonathan’s sto­ry exam­ines how class and reli­gious dif­fer­ences can become dev­as­tat­ing pres­sure points. And, as the months pass, the cou­ple begins to see that the worst of their prob­lems are root­ed in the per­son­al and cul­tur­al his­to­ry that sep­a­rates them, and in cer­tain blis­ter­ing secrets they may nev­er be ready to share.

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