
The Israelis: Ordi­nary Peo­ple in an Extra­or­di­nary Land

Don­na Rosenthal
  • From the Publisher
September 14, 2012
Israel is small­er than New Jer­sey yet cap­tures a lion’s share of head­lines. It looks like one coun­try on CNN, a very dif­fer­ent one on al-Jazeera. The BBC has its ver­sion, The New York Times theirs. But how does Israel look to Israelis? The answers are var­ied, and they have been brought togeth­er here in one of the most orig­i­nal books about Israel in decades. From bat­tle­fields to bed­rooms to board­rooms, dis­cov­er the col­lid­ing worlds in which an astound­ing mix of 6.8 mil­lion devout­ly tra­di­tion­al and rad­i­cal­ly mod­ern peo­ple live. You’ll meet Arab Jews” who fled Islam­ic coun­tries, dread­lock-wear­ing Ethiopi­an immi­grants who sing reg­gae in Hebrew, Chris­tians in Nazareth who pub­lish an Ara­bic-style Cos­mo, young Israeli Mus­lims who know more about Judaism than most Jews of the Dias­po­ra, ultra-Ortho­dox Jews on Mod­esty Patrols,” and more. Inter­weav­ing hun­dreds of per­son­al sto­ries with intrigu­ing new research, The Israelis is live­ly, irrev­er­ent, and always fascinating.

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