
The Judg­ment of YoYo Gold

  • From the Publisher
May 22, 2023

A smart and pow­er­ful sto­ry set in the Ortho­dox Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty about what it means to fit in, break out, and find your own way, by the award-win­ning author of The Life and Crimes of Hood­ie Rosen. This book is Gos­sip Girl + My Name Is Ash­er Lev + I Am Not Your Per­fect Mex­i­can Daugh­ter.

Yoyo Gold has always played the role of the per­fect Jew­ish daugh­ter. She keeps kosher, looks after her sib­lings, and vol­un­teers at the local food bank. She respects the deci­sions of her rab­bi father and encour­ages her friends to observe the rules of their Ortho­dox faith. But when she sees her best friend cast out of the com­mu­ni­ty over a seem­ing­ly inno­cent trans­gres­sion, Yoyo’s eyes are opened to the truth of her neigh­bors’ hypocrisies for the first time. And what she sees leaves her shocked and unmoored.

As Yoyo’s frus­tra­tion builds, so does the pres­sure to speak out, even if she can only do so anony­mous­ly on Tik­Tok, an app that’s always been for­bid­den to her. But when one of her videos goes viral — and her deci­sions wind up impact­ing not only her own life but also her rela­tion­ship with the boy she’s falling for — Yoyo’s world is thrown into chaos. She is forced to choose which path to take, for her com­mu­ni­ty, for her fam­i­ly, and most impor­tant­ly, for her­self.

Award-win­ning author Isaac Blum returns with a new nov­el that asks what it real­ly means to be part of a com­mu­ni­ty — and what it means to break free.

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