
The Kasha Knish Caper

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
Rab­bi Moshe Klein, a for­mer col­lege foot­ball play­er on his way to an NFL career before blow­ing out his knee in his senior year, who goes into the fam­i­ly busi­ness after ten years as a Mia­mi police offi­cer (his father and three broth­ers are rab­bis), is also a pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor. One of Rab­bi Klein’s con­gre­gants, Mur­ray Gold­stein, who runs a pop­u­lar Jew­ish deli in Mia­mi Beach, receives a vis­it from Tony the Tilapia, Sam­my the Salmon and Gui­do the Grouper, three mem­bers of the Bal­duc­ci crime fam­i­ly from New York. The Bal­duc­cis want to buy knish­es from Mur­ray in bulk and want part of his prof­its from the deli. With his friend Eytan Barak, a for­mer Mossad agent now turned accoun­tant who will nei­ther con­firm nor deny whether he is still involved with the Mossad or some oth­er gov­ern­men­tal agency, as his back­up, Rab­bi Klein now has to fig­ure out what the Bal­duc­cis real­ly want with Mur­ray’s knish­es, while bal­anc­ing between his rab­bini­cal duties and his family. 

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