
The Lost Gift to the Ital­ian Island

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

When 36-year-old Tori Cole­man dis­cov­ers that her moth­er was adopt­ed, her whole world shat­ters. Jere­my, her long-term boyfriend, is ready to tie the knot, but how can Tori com­mit when she doesn’t know who she tru­ly is? The only clue to the iden­ti­ty of her bio­log­i­cal fam­i­ly is a mys­te­ri­ous post­card with a pho­to­graph of a wed­ding dress that her bio­log­i­cal grand­moth­er Giu­lia made, which was gift­ed to a muse­um on the tiny Ital­ian island of Paris­si.

Tori trav­els to the island and learns that Giu­lia was Jew­ish and secret­ly lived there dur­ing World War II. Then, deep inside the museum’s col­lec­tion of arti­facts, she is shocked to find bul­lets sewn into the lin­ing of one of Giulia’s dress­es and a note­book claim­ing she did some­thing ter­ri­ble dur­ing the war.

As Tori con­tem­plates and won­ders what her grand­moth­er could have done, an unex­pect­ed rev­e­la­tion stops her in her tracks. Will her grandmother’s hid­den choic­es help her learn her true iden­ti­ty? Or send her home with more ques­tions than answers?

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