
The Love Elixir of Augus­ta Stern

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

On the cusp of turn­ing eighty, new­ly retired phar­ma­cist Augus­ta Stern is adrift. When she relo­cates to an active senior com­mu­ni­ty in south­ern Flori­da, she unex­pect­ed­ly cross­es paths with Irv­ing Rivkin, the deliv­ery boy from her father’s old phar­ma­cy — and the man who broke her heart a life­time ago.

Back in 1920s Brook­lyn, a teenage Augus­ta finds her­self caught between her father’s trust­ed sci­en­tif­ic for­mu­las and the curi­ous, uncon­ven­tion­al reme­dies pre­pared by her great aunt Esther. In a des­per­ate bid for clar­i­ty about her romance with Irv­ing, Augus­ta impul­sive­ly uses Esther’s most potent elixir with dis­as­trous con­se­quences.

Six­ty years lat­er, con­front­ed with Irv­ing, Augus­ta is still haunt­ed by the mis­takes of her past. How did her plan go so spec­tac­u­lar­ly wrong? Did Irv­ing ever tru­ly love her or was he sim­ply play­ing a part? 

The Love Elixir of Augus­ta Stern is a reminder that age doesn’t change who we are, that sec­ond chances are always pos­si­ble, and that it is nev­er too late to try and recap­ture the lost mag­ic of our youth.

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