
The Man Who Loved His Wife

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

Jews being Jew­ish: that’s the sub­ject of Jen­nifer Anne Moses’s new col­lec­tion of short sto­ries. Whether in Tel Aviv, sub­ur­ban New Jer­sey, or the Deep South, the char­ac­ters who pop­u­late the pages of The Man Who Loved His Wife grap­ple with God, their loved ones, fate, death, hope, Hitler, tran­scen­dence, and the 4000-year-old his­to­ry of Judaism. With a Yid­dish sen­si­bil­i­ty born of pas­sion, an eye for detail, and a dead­pan sense of humor rem­i­nis­cent of Singer, Salinger, and Tillie Olsen, Moses cap­tures sin­gu­lar­ly Jew­ish and whol­ly human char­ac­ters as they live and breathe through their sto­ries. Love­ly, ten­der, and hard to put down, these are short sto­ries that leave you yearn­ing for more.

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