
The Men­tal Yentl: Sto­ries From A Life­long Stu­dent of Crazy

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

Known for her sharp wit and warm heart, award-win­ning singer-song­writer Sal­ly Fin­gerett is a found­ing mem­ber of the musi­cal com­e­dy the­atre group The Four B**chin’ Babes. As a per­former Sal­ly has appeared on over sev­en hun­dred stages. As a com­pos­er, her song Home Is Where the Heart Is” has been record­ed by leg­ends Peter, Paul, and Mary. Now Sal­ly has writ­ten down the sto­ries behind her best-loved songs from the stage and record­ings. In these hilar­i­ous and endear­ing sto­ries and essays, she cel­e­brates her own per­son­al goofs and flaws: hav­ing mar­ried, had a baby, divorced, trolled JDate, remar­ried, blend­ed three teenagers into one fam­i­ly while feel­ing that she’s real­ly just a nine-year-old with a cred­it line. This des­ig­nat­ed daugh­ter want­ed only to fit in, be loved, do the right thing and — oops, almost for­got have a career. Isn’t this what women do?

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