Money, politics, social justice, sex, and Shabbat dinner are all on the menu as pot sheds its stoner image in Heather Cabot’s The New Chardonnay. The story of an astonishing rebranding, The New Chardonnay is the “Moneyball” of marijuana. It is a deeply reported narrative that explores how the “Devil’s lettuce” emerged from the shadows to become a luxury product fueling a $22B US market all while remaining federally illegal. With a Hollywood-ready cast of characters, the book takes readers along for the ride into the Wild West of weed with four unforgettable pioneers racing to cash in on cannabis. Judaism features prominently in the story of protagonist Jeff Danzer, a former Orthodox Jew and menschy cannabis chef, who draws on Israeli medical cannabis research and his family’s tradition of Tikkun Olam to help cancer patients feel better during chemo. Later, in his mother’s kosher kitchen, Chef Jeff refashions holiday staples like matzah ball soup and challah into new THC-infused creations with his trademark odorless, taste-free canna-oil.

The New Chardonnay: The Unlikely Story of How Marijuana Went Mainstream
- From the Publisher
September 1, 2020
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