
The Note Through the Wire: The Incred­i­ble True Sto­ry of a Pris­on­er of War and a Resis­tance Heroine

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020
In this true love sto­ry that defies all odds, Jose­fine Lob­nik, a Yugoslav par­ti­san hero­ine, and Bruce Mur­ray, a New Zealand sol­dier, dis­cov­er love in the midst of a bru­tal war.

In the heart of Nazi-occu­pied Europe, two peo­ple meet fleet­ing­ly in a chance encounter. One an under­ground resis­tance fight­er, a bold young woman deter­mined to van­quish the ene­my occu­piers; the oth­er a pris­on­er of war, a man long­ing to escape the con­fines of the camp so he can bat­tle again. A crum­pled note pass­es between these two strangers, slipped through the wire of the com­pound, and sets them on a course that will change their lives for­ev­er.

Woven through their tales of great brav­ery, dar­ing escapes, betray­al, tor­ture, and retal­i­a­tion is their remark­able love sto­ry that sur­vived against all odds. This is an extra­or­di­nary account of two ordi­nary peo­ple who found love dur­ing the unimag­in­able hard­ships of Hitler’s bar­bar­ic regime as told by their son-in-law Doug Gold, who decid­ed to tell their sto­ry from the moment he heard about their remark­able tale of brav­ery, resilience, and resistance.

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