
The Note­books and Draw­ings of Louis I. Kahn

Richard Saul Wur­man and Eugene Feld­man, eds.

  • From the Publisher
December 6, 2022

A deluxe sleeved set that includes a fac­sim­i­le repub­li­ca­tion of a clas­sic work on Louis Kahn and an accom­pa­ny­ing vol­ume of new writ­ings by col­leagues, archi­tects, and the Kahn family

The Note­books and Draw­ings of Louis I. Kahn, orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in 1962 and long out of print, was the first book on the archi­tect to fea­ture Kah­n’s own images and words — and it was Kah­n’s favorite book on his work. It includes his ear­ly sketch­es, repro­duced at full size, from his Euro­pean trav­els in the 1950s as well as ren­der­ings of the designs for sev­er­al of his notable build­ings, along with unpub­lished speech­es and excerpts from lec­tures, radio broad­casts, and oth­er sources.

In this mag­nif­i­cent sleeve-encased two-book set, a fac­sim­i­le of the orig­i­nal pub­li­ca­tion is accom­pa­nied by an illus­trat­ed Read­er’s Guide that fea­tures essays and com­men­tary by writ­ers such as schol­ar William Whitak­er and Pulitzer Prize-win­ning crit­ic Paul Gold­berg­er, fam­i­ly mem­bers, and fel­low archi­tects such as Frank Gehry, Tadao Ando, and Denise Scott Brown that con­tex­tu­al­ize the enor­mous impact and con­tin­u­ing lega­cy of one of the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry’s most influ­en­tial architects.

Dis­trib­uted for the Yale Cen­ter for British Art and Design­ers & Books

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