
The Old Jew­ish Men’s Guide to Eat­ing, Sleep­ing, and Futz­ing Around

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

From the viral social media account @oldjewishmen comes a hilar­i­ous and irre­sistible guide and the per­fect gift for every OJM and the peo­ple who put up with him.

Here is a humor­ous, sur­pris­ing­ly styl­ish, and crotch­ety cel­e­bra­tion of a most fas­ci­nat­ing group of fel­las: Old Jew­ish Men. In this essen­tial guide, read­ers learn how to eat, dress, get around town, and schmooze like a sea­soned OJM. Ever won­der why Old Jew­ish Men eat so much cot­tage cheese and mel­on? If Lar­ry David and Bernie Sanders have the same bar­ber? Who is the next great up-and-com­ing OJM? (NOTE: You don’t need to be old, Jew­ish, or a man — it’s a lifestyle.) Plus, there’s help­ful jar­gon, detailed deli and cof­fee shop run­downs, and the ten OJM arche­types, from New York Schlubs to Tough Guys to Grumpy Intel­lec­tu­als. A per­fect gift for any Jew­ish dad/​granddad/​uncle/​brother or any­body who likes a healthy shmear of clas­sic Jew­ish humor, the book is full of hilar­i­ous full-col­or illus­tra­tions and chapters.

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