
The Ora­cle of Spring Gar­den Road

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Crazy Eddie” is a Jew­ish home­less man who inhab­its two squares of pave­ment in down­town Hal­i­fax, pan­han­dling and dis­pens­ing his peer­less wis­dom. Well-edu­cat­ed, fierce­ly intel­li­gent with a pas­sion­ate inter­est in phi­los­o­phy and a pro­found love of nature, Eddie is a local enig­ma. Who is he? Where did he come from? What brought him to a life on the streets? Though rumors abound, none cap­ture the unique world­view and sin­gu­lar char­ac­ter that led him to with­draw from the per­fidy and cor­rup­tion of human beings. Just as Eddie decides to plan his return to soci­ety after near­ly two decades on the streets, he encoun­ters Jane, a kind woman whose intel­li­gence and integri­ty rival his own. Jane makes it her mis­sion to uncov­er the painful secrets of his past, to make him whole again. But will she heal Eddie or will he save her?

A dizzy­ing ride between past and present, The Ora­cle of Spring Gar­den Road is a tour de force of love, betray­al, Jew­ish tra­di­tion, the trans­for­ma­tive beau­ty of nature, and the heav­en­ly music of life.

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