
The Oth­er Hand

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Jonathan Bau­man had a com­fort­able life. As a promi­nent Ortho­dox rab­bi, he and his wife had raised three won­der­ful chil­dren and his con­gre­ga­tion was thriv­ing. If any­thing, 30 years of suc­cess had found him grow­ing rest­less. That of course, was before. Before his son came out as gay. Before his daugh­ter start­ed dat­ing a man rumored to be a Mus­lim. Before his good friend and strongest ally was indict­ed for fraud. Before his posi­tion was on the line. His fam­i­ly, now in cri­sis, his con­gre­ga­tion in revolt, Jonathan is forced to square his chaot­ic real­i­ty with the tra­di­tions and beliefs he has prac­ticed and preached his entire life. Fac­ing daunt­ing ques­tions about the true mean­ings of love, fam­i­ly, and faith, he must embark on a path he nev­er imag­ined to encounter a man he might nev­er have known.

From Andrew Kane, author of Joshua: A Brook­lyn Tale, Rab­bi Rab­bi, and The Night the Day this lat­est offer­ing is an emo­tion­al­ly stir­ring nov­el that takes the read­er on a jour­ney of devo­tion dis­cord despair and discovery.

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