
The Plagues of Pharaoh

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

The Plagues of Pharaoh is a nov­el that explores how the Egyp­tians lived through those per­ilous days. We wit­ness these events through the eyes of Han­nu, a min­is­ter in the court of Pharaoh, his wife Chiome and his two chil­dren. Pharaoh, god-king of Egypt, touched by immor­tal­i­ty, wages a war of wills with Moses and resists the plagues, pass­ing them off as mag­ic. Han­nu is moved from a mock­ing skep­tic of Moses to hor­ri­fied vic­tim of Pharaoh. From Moses’ first demand that Pharaoh let my peo­ple go” to the final, dead­liest plague, we watch as Han­nu strug­gles to under­stand then save him­self, his fam­i­ly and his nation. This sto­ry, like the sto­ry of Passover, reminds us that courage, faith and humil­i­ty can grow even among hubris and horror.

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